Thursday, August 28, 2008

Circus Maximus

In the course e-portfolio / blog created by each student, the student will replace the artifacts and text below with their own artifacts and reflection on their experience in researching Roman Architecture, Construction and Culture while using the particular PBL

The Chariot Races

King Tarquin laid out an arena (arena comes from the Latin for sand: harena) known as the Circus Maximus for racing chariots. Down the center was a barrier (spina), with pillars at each end around which charioteers had to maneuver -- carefully. Julius Caesar enlarged this circus to 1800 feet in length by 350 feet wide. Seats (150,000 in Caesar's time) were on terraces over stone arched vaults. A building with stalls and entrances to the seats surrounded the circus. The last games were held in the sixth century A.D.

Click Here to View the Circus Maximus- Problem Based Learning

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